Thursday, July 14, 2011

Storm in a dream

"Storm in a dream"
Oil pastel on paper.

Is it reality or not, but did you ever see the dreams when you sleep about storms! What they are, some kind warning from ours mind! Or it is a different reality.. we go sleep in this reality and wake up there to live the second life!?
Perhaps our really is a dream that we live, hope… And one day we wake up!  
Really like the feeling here like you are looking through a frosted glass into another world.  You can find here many characters it a really more surreal concept that tell the story then just a stormy seascape! Do you see the young woman or child face that watch on you from the depth of the sea? Or that white bird that flies in the sky and bring hope to the people who are in those boats! 

Here is one example of those details! The face that creating by the small details!


Anonymous said...

I saw the face right away. Beautiful!!

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Love it so much! x

sajuki said...

great colors :)

Lisa Gordon said...

And a most beautiful storm this is Mikko!
Such gorgeous softness and color.
I absolutely love your work!

irinapictures said...

Mikko, so full of energy streams, great.

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

O saw the face when i read your comment and it was like a revelation!!
I love it!

Lars Käker said...

Dear Mikko Tyllinen,

I grant “one lovely blog award” to you for your stunning art blog:
Please tell your readers 7 facts about you and grant the award to the blogs you like best.

Best regards - Lars

Sandra said...

Love this picture!

Nancy Goldman said...

This is a beautiful abstract with hidden pictures within it. I didn't see the face initially but in the close-up it was hard to miss and of course now that I've seen it, it pops out every time I look at it. I love the effect you've achieved with the oil pastels. That's such a great medium.

Stephani Janet said...

thank you for the comment :)

Monia said...

ohhh I love this paint, I can see boats in the wind and a woman face...fantastic!
Monia, Rome

Marcela Gmd said...

Fantastic!!! I love It!!
Besos, desde España, Marcela

Mikko Tyllinen said...

Thank you so much all! i am very glad you like it!

Mavi said...


Leya said...

oh wow..this is amazing!! :)

Anonymous said...

this paint is very intense!!! ;-) thanks for visiting me! xoxo

Yuliya Fashionblog said...

This is amazing !

Tanja said...

thank you so much <3

Fashion and Number said...

The pictures are great. They are very sophisticated to me!

Anha Senet said...

Beautiful ! :)

El said...

I was looking at your other posts, and I must say your work is great!!! You are very talented to say the least. Keep up a great job!


Christine Yun said...

Beautiful artwork! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting! Is possible, please help support me by following me! It'd be greatly appreciated. =)


Josine Luxanette said...

Hi doll, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!* Nice blog, very interesting!*


Sharan said...

Wow! This is a wonderful blog :) You work is very inspiring!

❀~ Simo ♥~ said...

Meraviglioso! a secondo di come lo osservo vedo particolari sempre nuovi
Buona serata!

Couture in bloom said...

Did you made it?
It's amazing!!

Leslie said...

your painting and thoughts remind me, somehow, of the verse, "now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face..." perhaps this world is only a kind of dream, and heaven is the reality :)

Marja's Stamp Addiction en Marja's Creativity said...

I found your blog via Annette and I have look around. it's beautiful what I see. Gorgeous.
Your last painting stunning and what a beautiful sentiment you wrote by this. It's really true.
Greet and have a nice weekiend
I'll be come back for sure.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Your paintings are superb Mikko, I paint also, and I found some inspiration!

Stacie said...

You have been blessed with a lovely talent. Thanks for sharing it.

G Peplow said...

Beautiful art, love all the different layers, Gay

MyDesignCollection said...

Wow amazing painting, I love this one, more abstract, colours are harmonious with a touch of brightness.

Anonymous said...

Mikko..Thank you for visiting my page. To receive a compliment from such an amazing artist as yourself is extraordinary. Thank you.

This Storm of Dream piece is intense. The more I look at it, it feels as though I am movig with it. The face was the first thing I saw, before reading your post. Truly breathtaking.

Unknown said...


Nikol said...

this pictures is very interesting..I like this detail:)

Y said...

wow the colors are awesome, the light is just out of this world =9 love it

Nancy said...

Gorgeous painting which would also make for a fantastic digital texture. If you ever want to hose a giveaway of one of your lovely art pieces, keep me in mind! Love your work. :)

Kim Dellow said...

Oh wow that is just lovely. Love the ethereal look to it. Kim

Unknown said...

omg i love this! This is one of the things i love withouht exactly knowing why. Guess that's art :)
Love Lois xxx

Netty said...

Loving your wonderful Art. Magical and mystical, one could get lost in your painting of dreams. Enjoy the weekend. Annette

DEA said...

Hienoja töitä! Hieman vanhemmassa postauksessa ollut Gentleman teos on upea: hieno tyyli

Inma Orduna said...

Good work!

Thanks for your comment!

Victoria @ MY HAPPY HOME said...

What a beautiful blog you have! And exciting paintings, love all the strong colours!
Thanks for your visit to me and your kind words!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Wow! What an amazing painting! The face fits perfectly. And I have the same queations sometimes. :) Is it all a dream?

Lini Trinh said...

great impression <3

Unknown said...

I saw the face too!!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for stopping by my blog! What lovely art. :)


Alexandria said...

thanks for visiting my blog. I saw the face too :)

following you now. great blog.

follow me back? appreciated!!

Stiene Saenen said...


Kathleen said...

Oh, this is lovely! I especially relate to the dream vs. reality symbolism... wonderful!

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

Absolutely gorgeous painting!

Unknown said...


xoxo from rome

Nastja said...

Wow your super talented!
I love this picture, it's something I definitely would hang on my wall.

Pam Tucker said...

I love this painting! I saw the face immediately. It's wonderful!

mari said...

this painting is absolutely mind-blowing!

xx //

Barb said...

Your art encourages looking beyond the surface.

Evelyn ~ Indigo Beach Art said...

Your artwork is simply stunning !!

Mommy Emily said...

mikko, this is incredible. i am the arts editor for a website called Every Day Poems. i'd love to feature your work. are you able to email me two to five of your favorite pieces, and we'll go from there? my email address is so great to 'meet' you! e.

Louisa Cindy said...

thanks for ur sweet comment on my blog :) anw I love your artwork, it looks really nice


Unknown said...

Great drawing!!! I love it! A big kiss from
have a nice monday :)

Sher said...

what a talented artist you are:)


The Mad Twins said...

Wow didn't saw the face, till I read it! It is so nice!

Ps: Join our giveaway

Hendifly said...

thanks for nice worlds. Y're kind:-). Evryone can see that art is your passion.

Olga said...

A beautiful abstract painting, with a dream feeling.

mirjam schuurkamp said...

Oeh wow, this is amazing!
love this !
so cool to see

New outfit post-Your boyfriend gave me this tshirt

Miss Woody said...


padmaja said...

A painting with so much of depth, you held a frosting glass here so well!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gad!!
Soo beautifule drawing.
face in the storm.

Katie said...

Beautiful, there is so much emotion here. Awesome colors.

Unknown said...


My blog
xoxo Michaela

Here I Am Carrie said...

I am not a painter but really do admire your work. You have a special flair and imagination. Thank you for visiting my place.

Teddi said...

wow! that face is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely amazing! I am mesmerized by this painting. It is one of my new favorites.

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