Monday, July 4, 2011

After the storm

                                                              Oil on canvas.

Saying the true I love the sea! It’s my passions! When you watch on this huge mass of water that moves feels alive its amazing feeling! And of course it very beautiful view! Specially its magical view on sunrises or sunsets, it always so beautiful and romantic!  Here I wanted to recreate one of those special moments! Beautiful sunset after storm, when nature started to calm down before peaceful night!


Dilan Dilir said...

that´s amazing!


Very beautiful picture !

Natašek said...

beautiful! falling in love with it over and over again. :)

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Mikko, I love your use of color... very dramatic, like the sea and nature. The composition and elements all work together in this beautiful oil.

(I clicked on the photo to see it larger, but have you thought about posting it as large as you can to still fit in your blog format? I would hate for anyone to miss the lovely details here. Just a suggestion.)


Unknown said...

I agree, I love sunrises and sunsets too ;)

NoEsTrivial said...

I love art, not just pictures, all king of ART!!! Thanks for your comment. I hope you enjoy my blog and see you soon there.

Selvaggia Capizzi said...

I really adore your paintings! I am saying it from my heart! My husband is fond of ugly pictures while I love this kind of art!
I am following you!

Nikol said...

very nice picture:)

Little N said...

wow amazing picture! i like the form and colours of the sky!

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

So beautiful! I especially love it how you painted the waves and water - the sparkling effect is magical.

Hendifly said...

this looks very beautiful and real:-)

Ellie said...

This is absolutely beautiful! Love the stormy sky rolling in.

Silje K Nilsen said...

thanks for the comment. Amazing paintings!

Jane said...

This is incredibly beautiful , those big yellow clouds casting that spectacular light over the sea is jus WOW! Mikko I really admire your ability in using colors and creating dramatic effects and wonderful atmospheres.

Nicky said...

First of all thank you for visiting my blog and the nice comment that you made :) I appreciate it! Gorgeous paintings, you are very talented! XO

Unknown said...

Oh Mikko! This is gorgeous! It gives me chills because it is so beautiful. That sky is crazy good and the sea is just wonderful.

Femme Virtue said...

oh wow, this is breathtaking!

galatea. said...

i hope your selling these masterpieces cause you could make a fortune!

LyddieGal said...

This is really gorgeous - I love the swirling sky and all the detail in the water!

Chic on the Cheap

Nikki said...

Beautiful. The beach can be so peaceful and treacherous all at the same time. Love the sea spray on the rocks.

Heizi said...

So nice. :)

Jamie-Lee Burns said...

wow it looks lovely - especially the water flowing over the rocks x

matrioska_verde said...

Your landscapes are beautiful. I love the brilliant colours and the live of your figures.

Your pictures seems japanese pictures.

biquiños (kisses) I´m Galician.

orvokki said...

... and you succeeded. The painting is wonderful.

Anna said...

Thanks for stopping by. Your love of the sea is very apparent in your work. The color and drama in this piece is striking!

padmaja said...

It is as if, I am enjoying the scene in the real! The vastness of the scene coupled with the dance of sun set colors in the sky have created a visual drama here!

Inma Orduna said...

What a lovely and nice work that you do!

**Anne** said...

Hello Mikko, Thank you for taking time to visit my blog. I have really enjoyed looking at your paintings. I paint in oils too but in a very different style, but am most interested in trying different styles of painting in the future. Your work is very inspirational.
Thank you for sharing,

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Your work is so colorful and vibrant!
Thanks for coming by my blog as now I found your work. I enjoy your blog and your work...have a sunny day!

GUAXARA said...

you are truly an artist with the brush, you have nice things, thank you for your comment, glad you like me, kisses

joannade said...


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I invite you to my FB PAGE - you can paste on the wall link to your blog :) All fashion lovers invited!

MY BLOG about fashion, fashion events, RECIPES, photos, my stylizations, famous artists, designers

Robin Kent said...

My favorite one yet!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness.. Your ART is amazing..

Anonymous said...

Amazing art ! :)

forgetmenot said...

Mikko, Thank you for coming by my blog. What wonderful work you do--your paintings are lovely. I really liked the "Magic In the Air" one--very creative. I will be back to your blog frequently. Mickie :)

Leslie said...

what a beautiful painting! my mother is an artist, and i grew up with her knowledge of paint mediums as a part of my daily life. so i know how difficult it is to paint in oils...and you've captured the sea so well here. i also really really love your header painting. thanks for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog after visiting, so i could come here and enjoy your lovely art!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

What a beautiful painting! The movement and drama in the sky are especially wonderful.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm glad to meet you and see your work!

Lidiya said...

WOW - so amazing!! Gorgeous painting, really talented art <3 xoxo

Olga said...

Thank you for visiting my blog.
You captured this moment of the nature masterfully!

Nancy said...

Simply amazing! Reminds me of Van Gogh's Starry Night. I'm so glad you commented on my blog today so that I can now follow your talented journey. :)

freyja said...

beautiful ;)

Monia said...

Thank you for visiting my blog, I am following you now because your paintings are so amazing and you are so talented! Monia, Rome

Jamie said...

This is amazing! The color - the movement - I love it all!

Lisa Gordon said...

Mikko, this is absolutely stunning!
I am especially in awe, since I cannot paint or draw whatsoever!!
So beautiful, and I know just what you mean about the sea.

Elvi said...

Una lavoro affacinante con un cielo spettacoloso. Elvi

Meena Dhuga said...

oh my goodness! I am fascinated by this! it is so beautiful- i love the sky especially. It is just amazing! your blog is brilliant and you have some stunning artwork. Thanks for leaving a lovely comment on my blog, really appreciate it.

Meena xx

Sandra Ceirão - Closet of World said...

Hi , thanks for your comment :)
great blog, kiss

Hilary said...

Very beautiful. I've witnessed many post storm sunsets and am always amazed at the rich colours. Your painting portrays that well.

Senia said...

a lot of thanks for your comment!
lovely picture :)

Barb said...

Your paintings have such feeling and movement in them. Your work is wonderful.

Evelyn ~ Indigo Beach Art said...

This is simply stunning artwork !!

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

What a wonderful God given talent you have. Your passion shows in your paintings. Your picture is very Beautiful.

Thank you for your visit to my blog, and your nice comment.

Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Dianne :)

Tricia said...

Beautiful painting...I love the sky :)

Laura Wambsgans said...

Brilliant Color!

Anti said...

Hiii Mikko,
you really amazing artist, the idea is awesome :) i love your painting so much

Have a nice day Mikko, will wait for your paintings :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Soo amazing arts!!!
Love your blog ;)
Please comment/follow my blog &
I'll definitely return the favor :)

Maria said...

Thank´s for your comments! :)
Beautiful pictures, lovely colors!
Have a nice day!

Clare B said...

wonderful picture - you seem to have captured the summer light so beautifully.

Unknown said...

Great drawing !!! a big kiss from
have a nice wednesday :)

Anonymous said...

What a vibrant spirit to capture such colors, textures, and compositions. Have a beautiful day/evening ~ xox Alexandra

Mihaela said...


new post♥mfashionfreak

Mikko Tyllinen said...

Thank you so much to all! I am very glad you lik ethis painting and gratiful for all your wonderful and warm words! Its really nice to meet you all! :) Mikko

Unknown said...

omg! super gorgeous! i LOVE the colors!

Jelena Zivanovic said...

Sea is an important part of my life and its energy always keep me captured even though it's on the pictures! This time is the same, fascinating view!:) What a lovely and artfully blog u have! Thank u for your comment on mine... I am happy to follow your activity now!

Reena said...

Outstanding ... and I'm a new follower of your work!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Good morning from Perth Mikkos, thanks for the visit. I paint too so I was very interested to see your work. Really enjoyed scrolling through your paintings, such a great style, will be back to look at more.

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

Bravo! Absolutely stunning.

Georgianna said...

Your work is just amazing. I really love this!

ELE said...

Semplicemente meraviglioso!

Gaby FDUPUY said...

Mikko I like your blog, I like your paintings....

you have a wonderful talent!!!!

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